Friday, December 18, 2009

blog 13

“Hese gonna find out whose naughty or nice”
Well this year its kinda 50/50 thinggy because there ben times I was naughty and times when I was nice hers a few examples of when I was naughty this year.. I like to call this laser pointer troubles was a faze I went through when this summer when I decided to get myself a laser pointer and when I picked one out I got one that was the most powerful and brightest and this one was a beast because it could shine up to a mile long !! and I was kind of immature with it loll so I got it shipped to my house and got it and shined it around for a little bit and had fun until I went to a store which in this case was wall mart and I snuck this laser pointer with me and decided to have a bit of fun with it by shining it on un suspecting people and like I would shine it on like a wall or book they were reading and they would be completely oblivious of where it was coming from and I decided to step it up a notch and shined it at some houses which was a pretty stupid choice because in the end I would get caught and in trouble and went I shined it at houses I was @ my church and I was entertaining myself and I shined it at a neighbor’s house and a few cars ( by complete accident) and somehow I upset the neighbor sand they called the police and I had to talk to a police lady for like 20 mins about wat happened and how I won’t do it again balahh well it sucked a lot and it was a stupid choice.

Another example where I did something stupid was in the summer (irioicially enough) I waswith my friends and we were board so we decided to go ding dong ditching and this is pretty fun in a way so we went off to a few houses to start off well the easiest ones to start because you got to get warmed up b/c u don’t want to get caught.. so I went to my neighbors house and rang the door bell and ran fast and hid by a car and I decided I was ready to go to the harder houses and I had my friend spot it out to see if it was worth the hassle and there was this house across the street which had no hiding places and I said let’s try this one and I was up to bat.. sadly so I went up and rang the bell and ran for cover but there was none and I went to the side of the house and waited a second and saw him coming to see where I went and I darted to my neighbors car (which was next to this house by where I was at) and hid there and got away and I was happy that I did dent get caught so was still hungry for more and went to a friend’s house and rang his door bell and his and he came out and looked and I went farther and his dad came out in his boxers (loll) and got in his truck and drove around to look for us for a little bit and I relised he kind a saw us and I called it quits.

And the most stupid choice of all was last winter and it was a very snowy day it was like 8 o clock in the evening and I was with my friends and we were having a snow ball fight and it went on for a bit and we got board and started to hit cars and it got more competitive and car after car it went on until I got a good snow ball and waited and hid until the right moment and winged the ball and I heard a silence then crunch and a loud skidding and I’m like oh crap I’m screwed I relised I hit a car’s wind shield with a dirt -ice ball this guy was really pissed at me and started yelling at me. oh man it sucked.