Friday, November 6, 2009

# 8

Blog # 8
My plans for Halloween are just to go out for a little bit and get a lot of candy and get home and eat it and watch some scary movies some of my faves are
1. House on haunted hill
2. Halloween 1 -6 I love them all 1.
3. Saw
4. Scary movie 1
5. Scary movie 2
6. Scary movie 3
7. Scary movie 4 1.
The reason why I like all of these movies is ne their classics and some of the are just out rite hilarious and a few will scare you and what not they are based on the same things believe it or not ( except for scary movie 1234 they make fun of those movies) but they involve a murderer or a form of aliens or some form of evil. A few are out dated but people still like them a lot because the movies were out when your parents were kids or teen and they thought that they were great and it’s great that they still show those old movies. And now for the movies that make fun of other movies I don’t know who thought of that but it was a great idea because sometimes u need to laugh at a scary movie and make fun of it and have different movies involved to.

The history of Halloween…………
As European immigrants came to America, they brought their varied Halloween customs with them. Because of the rigid Protestant belief systems that characterized early New England, celebration of Halloween in colonial times was extremely limited there. So they came to America. And during the pato famine the Irish imported to America and that helped to popularize the celebration of Halloween nationally taking in Irish terdishions Americans dressed in costumes and went to houses asking for food or money and that became American trick or treat terdishion.

Haloween candy hmm.. I really like most of the candy I get like butter fingers m&ms chips heshey kisses, popcorn.. and some other types of candy.. And a few which we can’t think of.

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