Friday, September 18, 2009

blog # 2 what kind of a cmmunicator are you

i am a heavy talker i like to talk about any thing with my friend and i text alot. i like to use face book and my space and talk to my friends even more. i normally communicate with my friends and we talk about the most randomest crap amaginable. i can spend hours talking to a friend or texting. and i cant go 1 day without my phone. last year in my report card in all of my hours i got excive talking. last time i was on face book i like sent a bizzillion messages. i like my phone i have a palm centro but it has had a rough life ha ha i dropped it in the sink 2 times and dropped it down the stairs and it still works.....well it kinda works it has 6 non working keys .and it is verry diffacult to text beacuse i kinda destroied my phone. i am a huge texter. thats what kind of a communicater i am.


  1. PROOFREAD THIS BEFORE YOU POST!!! Then repost before I grade this.

  2. u sound like a normel persin on your blog
    how did u pull that off?

  3. i dont know lol .. o i know major skillz

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. dude wow y did u write that that crap could get me in touble...and yeah idk + i spelled it wrong ha!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. kewl hows rotc going... wat do u do in rotc?

  8. its good and we do alot of stuff on pt days we play contact foot ball so we can plow over echother
    and incase u cant see we have to were uniforms on wensdays
    crap i cant spell

  9. hahah wow i know u cant spell lol o what els do you do?? what kinda stuff do u like to do .. ramdomluy

  10. the best part about talking on here u dont use minets

  11. well we talk about everthing and sometimes it gets rilly bad like hont your dreams bad

  12. lol yeah we get in the most randomest convsations

  13. o ya and u can were a bole on your head in class if u wont

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Check out the new Samsung Impression. Touch screen with full keyboard. I would not choose the Pantech Matrix or Pantech Duo, both I had and both broke in the same places. It breaks where the sliding keyboard and charging port is. The Palm is Awsome!!! Good choice in phone!

  16. I love on you like to texts but take forever to texts back lol

  17. i meant to say how instead of on
